October 10 is World Mental Health Day, and the theme for 2017 is Mental Health in the Workplace.
From the WHO website:
Depression and anxiety disorders are common mental disorders that have an impact on our ability to work, and to work productively. Globally, more than 300 million people suffer from depression, the leading cause of disability. More than 260 million are living with anxiety disorders. Many of these people live with both. A recent WHO-led study estimates that depression and anxiety disorders cost the global economy US$ 1 trillion each year in lost productivity.
In Canada, the Prime Minister’s Office also released a statement affirming the importance of mental health and wellness for overall well-being, and the role our workplaces must play in contributing to mental wellness for all.
Read more from the WHO:
- World Mental Health Day
- Information sheet on mental health in the workplace
- More information on depression
World Mental Health Day is observed on 10 October every year, with the overall objective of raising awareness of mental health issues and mobilizing efforts in support of better mental health.